Mein Schiff si presenta agli Hamburg Cruise Days 2023
Intrattenimento, infotainment e la nuova classe di navi: InTUItion
Sarà una vera attrazione: dall’8 al 10 settembre i visitatori degli Hamburg Cruise Days potranno scoprire e sperimentare dal vivo e di persona il fattore benessere di Mein Schiff. All’insegna del motto “VIVERE IL BENESSERE” gli interessati hanno la possibilità di godersi la vista sullo scenario marittimo unico di Amburgo in un’area relax con sedie a sdraio sulla Jan-Fedder-Promenade (di fronte a Rickmer Rickmers) e, ad esempio, un gelato di Bruno Gelato, venduto a beneficio di Knack den Krebs. A disposizione degli ospiti anche una ruota della fortuna, una scatola fotografica e un muro Instagram. L’equipaggio dedicato del Mein Schiff a terra è a disposizione per consigli personali e dettagliati e fornisce informazioni su destinazioni, viaggi a tema ed eventi per il 2024 a bordo del Mein Schiff. Mein Schiff 6 attraccherà sabato ad Amburgo. Alle 21:00, Mein Schiff 6 farà parte della grande Cruise Day Parade.

My ship presents itself at the Hamburg Cruise Days 2023 Entertainment, infotainment and the new ship class: InTUItion
My ship presents itself at the Hamburg Cruise Days 2023 Entertainment, infotainment and the new ship class: InTUItion
This will be a real eye-catcher: From September 8th to 10th, visitors to the Hamburg Cruise Days can discover and experience the feel-good factor of Mein Schiff live and in person. Under the motto “EXPERIENCE WELL-BEING” those who are interested have the opportunity to enjoy the view of Hamburg’s unique, maritime backdrop in a relaxation area with deck chairs on the Jan-Fedder-Promenade (opposite Rickmer Rickmers) and, for example, an ice cream from Bruno Gelato, sold to benefit Knack den Krebs. A wheel of fortune, a photo box and an Instagram wall are also available for guests. The dedicated Mein Schiff crew on land is available for personal and detailed advice and provides information on destinations as well as themed and event trips for 2024 on board Mein Schiff. Mein Schiff 6 docks in Hamburg on Saturday. At 9 p.m., Mein Schiff 6 will be part of the big Cruise Day Parade.At the Mein Schiff stand, Hamburg Cruise Days visitors can also find out everything about the two new ships in the Mein Schiff fleet, which will set sail in early summer 2024 and at the turn of the year 2024/25. Cruises on Mein Schiff 7 can already be booked. The eighth ship is currently being built in the Fincantieri shipyard in Monfalcone, Italy. And one thing is already clear: The first of the two new buildings to be built in this shipyard will take the Mein Schiff feeling to a new level: the ship will offer regular guests and cruise enthusiasts an even more diverse culinary journey through particularly high-quality worlds of pleasure. It will offer new and even more opportunities to relax in architecturally spectacular oases of well-being. When it comes to cabins and suites, Mein Schiff is even more responsive to the needs of cruise travelers, creating a very special holiday feeling: Spa and wellness are being redefined and high-class entertainment and worlds of experience can be found on this ship, which will be put into service at the turn of the year 2024/25 should, a new home. This extraordinary new build of the Mein Schiff fleet is a further development, a new ship class, which is therefore also given a new name: InTUItion”Intuitively, with a lot of heart and the Mein Schiff feeling of well-being, the guests can discover this ship, this new class of ship, which on the one hand reveals the tried and tested in every area on every deck,” says Wybcke Meier, CEO of TUI Cruises. “But getting involved intuitively with this ship also offers the guests completely new perspectives and the opportunity to find their favorite place with more freedom and possibilities.”With the InTUItion class of the Mein Schiff fleet, TUI Cruises, the joint venture between TUI AG and the US cruise company Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd., is taking the next step towards first-class cruise experiences and a sustainable willingness to innovate. The introduction of the InTUItion class represents the cruise expertise of Royal Caribbean Cruises and TUI AG’s many years of experience in perfect guest experiences. With the InTUItion class, TUI Cruises positions itself as a pioneer in the industry and relies on unique, intuitive experiences for the guests of the Mein Schiff fleet.