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Mein Schiff – “Rock ‘n’ Sail 2023 con Peter Maffay e band” di successo

Mein Schiff – “Rock ‘n’ Sail 2023 con Peter Maffay e band” di successo

Concerti celebrati e incontri personali con l’eccezionale musicista

I 4 hanno scosso il Mar Baltico per cinque giorni. Per cinque giorni, Peter Maffay e la band hanno trasformato la nave del benessere in un grande palco per concerti rock con il viaggio evento “Rock ‘n’ Sail 2023”. I tre concerti cult di Peter Maffay sono stati completati da esibizioni solistiche dei membri della sua band Peter Keller, Bertram Engel e Charly Klauser, nonché da letture congiunte con sua moglie Hendrikje. Oltre a numerose escursioni nella capitale finlandese Helsinki e Stoccolma con l’impressionante ingresso attraverso l’arcipelago, a bordo si sono svolte conferenze sull’industria musicale e concerti di altri artisti come Joel Brandenstein, Julian Pförtner e Björn Paulsen.

Successful “Rock ‘n’ Sail 2023 with Peter Maffay and band”

Celebrated concerts and personal encounters with the exceptional musician

September 15, 2023 – The Mein Schiff 4 rocked the Baltic Sea for five days. For five days, Peter Maffay and band transformed the feel-good ship into a large, rocking concert stage with the event trip “Rock ‘n’ Sail 2023”. Peter Maffay’s three cult concerts were complemented by solo performances by his band members Peter Keller, Bertram Engel and Charly Klauser as well as joint readings with his wife Hendrikje. In addition to a variety of excursions to Finland’s capital Helsinki and Stockholm with the impressive entrance through the archipelago, talks on the music industry and concerts by other artists such as Joel Brandenstein, Julian Pförtner and Björn Paulsen took place on board.

“This rock cruise with Mein Schiff was a highlight,” says Peter Maffay. “My morning sports sessions, visits to Scandinavian cities, the great diversity of the ship and the concerts in an impressive theater full of euphoric fans left an incredible impression on the band and me.” The good cause was also not neglected:

Peter Maffay auctioned off, among other things, an autographed guitar. This raised 11,400 euros for the German Society for the Rescue of Shipwrecked People (DGzRS) and 3,500 euros for the Peter Maffay Foundation. Stars at Sea has rounded up the donation amount for the rescue of shipwrecked people to 15,000 euros.

Under the following link you will find a current video about Rock ‘n’ Sail 2023 with Peter Maffay and band for free integration in the reporting :